30 January 2021
With a forecast of coolish weather and only one name down for the overnight trip to Cameron Hut, Susan and I came up with an alternative; Yeomans Track and, as Saturday was supposed to be the warmer day, we choose Saturday for the tramp. Four of us left town around 7.30 PM and headed down to the end of Wakarara Road.
We parked up the top by the DOC sign and walked down the farm track to the Makaroro River. We were pleased that we didn’t have to take the circuitous track we had to take last time we were there thus reducing the expected return journey time by about 20 minutes. (the land is now owned by Smedley Station and they allow access along their track).
The Makaroro River was very low and easily crossed and once on dry land we followed the old road until we reached Yeoman’s Track turnoff. Because mountain biking is allowed on this track DOC have bridged most of the streams making it easy walking.The temperature was in the late teens and I for one was pleased that we weren’t doing the numerous crossing of the Ngaruroro River to get to Cameron Hut. However, the weather was perfect for this tramp, not too hot but warm enough to enjoy the odd break from walking . We had left the cars just before 9 AM and arrived at Ellis Hut for an early lunch, sitting outside the hut in the sun.
The birds were a bit more vocal in the afternoon as we retraced our steps back to the car; Robins, Fantails, Tom Tits, Whiteheads, Kereru, Tui and the Long Tailed Cuckoo were all heard or seen. It took a similar time on the return journey and we were back at the car by 3 o’clock.
Party: Jo P, Simon W, Susan L and Glenda H