Day Tramps: Wear or Carry: Pack & pack liner, boots & gaiters, parka & over trousers, fast drying shorts, fleece or wool jumper, longjohns & singlet, socks, sunhat & warm hats, gloves/mittens & overmitts, whistle
Day Tramps: Carry: Map & compass, high energy snacks, at least 1 litre water, lunch, first aid kit, torch, spare batteries & bulb, sunscreen, emergency food, survival kit (whistle, cord, matches etc, pencil, paper),complete set of spare warm clothing.
Weekend Tramps: All the above plus: Plate, mug, knife, fork , spoons etc, additional warm clothes, toilet gear, small towel & toilet paper, extra snacks, cooker & billy, food for 3 additional meals, sleeping mat, sleeping bag
If unsure of your gear contact the Club Captain or another experienced member.