Wednesday Walks

  April to July 2024

1 May :  Lower Ngaruroro River

Starting at the Evers-Swindell Park at Clive we walked along the coast to the Ngaruroro River mouth and then followed the pathway on the southern side of the river to Pakowhai Park. After morning tea at Pakowhai Park we continued on along the pathway, almost to the expressway bridge, before returning to the park and our shuttle car. This was a 3 hour walk on a brilliant sunny day.


Party: John S, Janice L, Susan L & Glenda H

15 May  Taradale Hills

Five of us met at the carpark behind the EIT and followed the stop bank under the Tutaekuri River Bridge to access Otatara Pa Reserve.  After walking to the top we observed the nui poles, the fort and the view before following the pathway down to Churchhill Drive and the start of Maggies Way.  This track took us to Dolbel Reserve  which we climbed up before rejoining Maggies Way at Dolbel Street.  

We then crossed Puketapu Road and walked through the HBRC reserve to Kent Terrace and along to a small pond near Capeview Terrace. The pond was our turn around point and we took a more direct route back, mainly along streets,  to our cars. This loop took 31/2 hours.


Party: Glenda H, Lindsay & Denise D, Susan L & John S

23 June   Havelock North Reserves

Last Wednesday we had a 4 hour walk in some of the Havelock North reserves. We started at the Tainui Reserve where we observed the transformation of the Hikanui Pa site (all large trees removed). From there we went to Te Mata Park via the Hikanui Reserve and took in both sets of redwoods, walked up the goat track to the summit and came down to the main carpark for lunch via some of the Rongakako track. After lunch we returned back to our cars by walking the Tipuna Footstep track and the Tauroa and Tanner Street reserves.

Te Mata June24004

Party: Peter B, Glenda H, Steve B, Simon W, Anne C

17 July Waipatiki  Reserves

On a cool overcast winter’s day 6 of us walked the Waipatiki scenic reserve loop track. This was a lovely walk, through bush which contained many Nikau palms. The track was slippery in places after recent rain. At the top of the track near the Aropaoanui rd. we had morning tea. Coming back down the track was equally as challenging. 

We had lunch at the beach staring out at a calm sea with occasional large waves crashing in. After lunch we then walked a smaller reserve which contained many majestic Kahikitea before returning home mid afternoon.


Party Steve B, Peter B, Glenda H,, Anne D, Susan L and Judith M