Rangiwahia Hut and Whanahuia Range  

7-8 September

“This is a slightly challenging but hugely rewarding tramp onto the tops of the Ruahine Ranges” says DOC on a brand new sign at the corner of Renfrew Road and Te Parapara Road in the northern Manawatu.
Starting out in misty and cool conditions, the track, which has seen a great deal more investment than those in Hawke’s Bay, climbed at a steady gradient through red beech forest, then into mountain cedars with peppertrees and leatherwoods. Nice not to battle through that!

It feels like Japan when the elegantly arched wooden bridge over the Mangawharariki Stream appears just over halfway up the hill. This exquisite bridge was opened by then- Conservation Minister Helen Clark in 1988. It took 2 hours 20 to climb the 539m from the carpark to the 13-bed hut at 1310m, which was the base for the former Rangiwahia Ski Club. Not much visibility at the top, except of the fabulously painted toilets and woodshed, so we settled in for the afternoon at the hut, which turned cosy once the fire was revved up.

Next day the more intrepid party of Simon, Jude, Reiny, Andy and Terry headed up to Mangahuia Peak (1583m), along the ridge in low cloud, and back to the carpark via Deadman’s Track, a five-hour trip. Meanwhile Robyn and Marie headed back down and then along Renfrew Road past the 14ha Ian McKean Pinetum (unfortunately closed due to lambing).

Simon drove us home via the spectacular gorges to Taihape and the Taihape Road, and the kowhai in the district were almost in full bloom, putting on a tremendous display.

Trip highlights:
Andy: the tapestry of the cedars and leatherwood
Terry: the bridge was quite stunning
Jude: the variations of the track kept it interesting
Reiny: the beautiful beech forest, and the ice on the tussock at the top
Robyn: The forest and how different it is compared to the east side of the Ruahines
Simon: going along the tops in whiteout, which was not a straightforward route.
Marie: tea by tealights and candles (thank you Reiny)
Party: Simon W, Jude H, Robyn W, Reiny S, Andy , Terry F, Marie T

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